The fall season has been such a full time of travel, teaching, and ministry that it was necessary to wait until now to catch a breath and to give an update. This was the fullest season of travel that we have had, and that comes with many blessings as well as challenges. In all of it, we rejoice in the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ and His infinite kindness to us as a family. These have been some of the greatest days of shaping and growth in Him that we have ever known. We knew before the season began that it would be a stretching time. Even now, I look back on the months of September, October, and November, not sure quite how God sustained us, and He did. I feel like the Apostle Paul must have felt at the end of his one of his long missionary journeys, as he would have given such thanks and praise to God as he reported to his home church all that had taken place. This report is not anywhere near so dramatic, but I am thankful to be able share and give a little glimpse of what God did among us in these months.
We all know that attendance is not always the measure of a healthy church. But I have been staggered the last two visits, and especially this one in October, with the number of people coming not only on Sunday AM, but the number of those who come out to the evening services. There was a growing sense of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in these services, and people were just responding. These meetings had the sense of true revival, of that “heaven on earth” kind of sense. Carey and I experienced much the same thing at Brookside Church in November. We sometimes do not know what to expect when we go into a new church. But we know Pastor Ryan so well, and we know his heart for the Lord Jesus. It is a privilege to just come and be a part of what God is already doing. Furthermore, we keenly sensed the Holy Spirit through the worship as it was led by our friend, Mike Griffin. This was another one of those weeks where the sense of Jesus’ presence and His touch on the service grew throughout the week. We have not often experienced the kind of presence that we felt at Brookside. It was evident that everyone sensed Him, and we saw it in the responses. It was the kind of week of revival services that you pray for --- the kind of time that you feel can be a help for the church going forward.
Chaili graduated nursing school in May and has begun her career working at one of the Nashville hospitals, and is loving her work. Carey is nearly halfway through his junior year of high school and continuing to sense a refining of God's direction beyond high school into the military. We only have these eighteen months left with him before he possibly leaves home to head into that. Trina continues to work full time while also caring for our family and more things than I could name, and I could not do any of what we do without her.
John Juneman
Evangelist, Teacher, Writer, Husband, and Father Archives
August 2019