It has been a rich and varied three months of ministry to begin 2018 while also continuing week-by-week in our growing online teaching. It was a unique blessing and opportunity to travel to Fallon, NV and to be there for three weeks filling in for Pastor Paul from mid-January through early February. He and Tammy were able to travel to spend an extended time with their daughter and her family --- a rare time away from Fallon for them! Of course, there really is no “filling in” for Pastor Paul. The work in Fallon is a ministry to the community, and Jesus works through Paul there in a very unique way. In addition to the preaching and church work, there is the food ministry (and all involved with that) along with the two thrift stores operated by the church. The people of the church did a beautiful job of just filling in and conducting all of these ministries, while I was just there to preach the Word and teach, and to be a support and encouragement to them. Of course, it is not surprising that I was the one who came away encouraged. While it was difficult to be away from my family for three weeks (in addition to being very sick when I arrived in Fallon), it was a sweet time to be with these dear people for an extended time and to experience the Lord Jesus together. I was so glad that Carey was able to join me for the final week of this time there in Fallon.
John Juneman
Evangelist, Teacher, Writer, Husband, and Father Archives
August 2019