WELCOMEWelcome to our family ministry website. It is my increasing conviction that life and ministry is all about relationships --- with the Lord Jesus Christ and with one another in Him. I spent my high school years in competitive long distance running. Cross country is both an individual and a team sport as the individual competes while team scores are also kept. Our coach relentlessly trained us in the key to succeeding as a team: running together. We daily practiced and learned how to run together as a team, helping each other along in the race. Discipleship continues to become a philosophy of life and ministry for me, and it is our hope that this site will help to reveal how Jesus is living that out in our lives through preaching, teaching and writing. My family is my first calling and priority, and it is my highest privilege to disciple them on a daily basis as we run the race together. It is an awesome personal joy and blessing to get to live out this calling of running the race alongside of churches, groups, students, and families across North America and around the world.
I feel more grateful to God than I can express for all He has done, for what He is currently doing in our lives, and for getting to be in Jesus Christ and a part of His plan. Thank you for visiting our site, and I pray that you will know Jesus even more, be refreshed in a new way, and be sourced by Him as never before. - John Juneman |