Live online Bible classes for High School students with John through The Potter's School
Full-year Bible classes. Each live class session consists of 90 minutes of teaching from the Word by John Juneman combined with live interaction, discussion, practical application, encouragement, and facilitation. See the TPS website for course descriptions, schedules, and tuition. |
2023-24 COURSES
Bible Survey is a 32-week exploration of the entirety of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Bible Survey emphasizes a look at Scripture in its unity and entirety, utilizing a "Jesus hermeneutic" and seeing how He is "the promise and the blessing." Therefore, in addition to teaching content and giving students a solid overview of the Bible, the course offers students a conceptual, philosophical, and spiritually practical learning experience. The goal is not merely for students to be able to remember or recite Bible knowledge, but to invite and encourage them to grow in personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to establish both an academic and devotional foundation for a lifetime of study in the Word of God. The class meets once weekly for 90 minutes and includes lecture along with discussion and practical application. Student assignments focus on training and equipping students to become men and women of the Word who not only study Scripture, but allow the truth to be expressed through their lives.
Teaching the Word is a brand new one-semester class in which we teach and mentor students through the entire process from studying the Word to communicating that truth to others through preaching and preaching or presenting a devotional or lesson from the Word. Assignments and discussions will look at how to be faithful to the Word and allow Jesus to speak through His Word while also exploring and applying various and specific methods of how to communicate the truth through a spoken message, including message preparation and construction. The course is very practical in nature and is an opportunity to personally disciple students to be hearers and sharers of the Word in their own lives. |
Full Year 2023-24
Bible Survey |